Lorenzo Brilli Clinical psychologist and musician from Grosseto, Italy

Lorenzo was born in Grosseto, a city in southern Tuscany, and lived his childhood and adolescence there. His love for music began very early by listening to his home record collection and at the age of eleven he began playing the guitar.
Since then he has always played with his friends and with the musicians he met along the way. Alone or in company he has always continued to write and record his music. He studied psychology and psychoanalysis in Florence, Turin and Rome.
He now works in his own practice as a clinical psychologist and continues to create his music.

What brought you to music?
Music has been my passion since I was a child. My mother was a great music listener. At home, she had a collection of records and an excellent stereo system, which has now become mine, and I grew up immersed in the music of The Cure, Depeche Mode, Pink Floyd, Simple Minds, Prince, the Clash and more. Then, at the age of twelve, I started studying electric guitar and from that moment I also started playing together with friends, writing and recording my own music. Over the years I have greatly expanded my musical listening and worked to build my own personal style. Also in early youth I began to develop a strong fascination for psychology, from the first time the word "unconscious" came to my ear, which sounded so deep and mysterious. Subsequently, during my high school studies in agronomy I was tempted by the idea of signing up for studies at the conservatory, as some friends of mine had done, to have an academic musical
education that could be used professionally, but in the end I decided not to sign up, my approach to music being more punk and anarchic and based more on the DIY ethic was too incompatible with the academic world. So I joined the faculty of psychology, and parallel to music and my
independent musical projects, I continued my university studies in clinical psychology, first in Florence, where I met Clara, and then in Turin. I currently work as a professional psychologist in my studio and as an educator at the music high school in Grosseto. Music and psychology are my main passions, but I would say that music comes first, without it I really don't know what I would have done...
How did you come to take part in Cornelia’s Artists in Residence Program?
I was able to participate in Cornelia's project after my girlfriend Clara Gazzarri, the girl I mentioned in the previous answer, who is an illustrator and was already part of the Fraggina group, introduced me to Cornelia. Cornelia invited me to participate in her project; an opportunity I jumped at with great pleasure.

How did you like your time at Fraggina? Did you find inspiration?
Spending time at Fraggina was beautiful and very important. I was able to find a space free from external interference and daily commitments, where I could focus solely on music and the free flow of the creative process. My stay was of great inspiration and I was able to record
many musical ideas to develop. It was also nice to spend time together with other artists, learning about their stories and their art and feeling part of a community of people who are all passionate about art and beauty.

What did you take back with you?
First of all, the recordings made in Fraggina in those days. Then a sense of calm and freedom I breathed and the recognition and legitimation of that creative part of me. Lastly, the knowledge that such a thing as Fraggina exists and is growing strong. This is very comforting and gives me hope.