
... that is how we call our little, chubby guestbook and you can call it that, too. It is here for your questions and comments.

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Lenny, yesterday

I believe I have listened to all your audiobooks. I am more active than author, but at 73 that may change.

Welcome to Cornelia's guestbook, Lenny

Kathleen Cuyler, 4 days ago

I love the book Inkheart so much! Thank you to Cornelia Funke for writing it! The book was such an inspiration!

Sarah, 5 days ago

Hi Insa! I hope you are well. I haven’t posted in the guestbook in such a long time! When I was in middle school, I was absolutely obsessed with Inkheart! I once posted in the guestbook about some criticism that a teacher given me and you posted a reply from Cornelia! Her encouraging words meant the world to me and have stayed with me all these years. (I am in my 30’s now!) I wanted to write-in to say that I am very much looking forward to the up-coming release of The Color of Revenge. Wishing you and Cornelia the very best. Always a fan, Sarah

Hi Sarah, thank you sooooo much for your kind message and welcome back to Cornelia's guestbook

Diana, 10 October 2024

Hi Insa! Well, I can't describe how impatient I am for "The Colour Of Revenge". I read Inkheart when I was 12 and now after all this time, this new book is the best gift that I can imagine for my 18th birthday; my old Dreamland is still alive!

Worried Fan, 1 October 2024

Hi Insa. I sent in a poem a bit ago and I’m not sure if it’s just because of where I am (Alberta,Canada) but I haven’t noticed any changes in the guestbook, the story’s, the studio or elsewhere, for quite a while. Is everything okay?

Hi Pashynn, I'm terribly sorry for the delay. Your poem is now part of our stories section

Emily, 20 September 2024

Hi, Insa and Guesty. I enjoy all your books. I was wondering if the

Dragon Rider; The Aurelia Curse is going to come out in English audiobook form? Thank you

Yes, Emily, probably around the beginning of 2025

Ryan B., 19 September 2024

Hello Cornelia and co! I am new to the website, but not new to your wonderful fiction (I think I've managed to read most of it by now, actually). Inkheart is the book I regard as having sparked my own love of fiction, and for that I will be forever grateful to your wonderful imagination and writing. I was just curious if there was any news about a possible 5th Reckless/Mirrorworld book coming soon-ish? I recently reread the whole series and am eagerly await the conclusion. I hope the writing goes well, whatever project comes next, and I cannot wait to read the newest Inkworld book in later this year! Sincerely, Ryan

Dear Ryan, not "soon-ish", but there will be a last book, yes. Cornelia does not know yet when she will start working on it. Currently there are other stories, that demand her attention

Darrow, 19 September 2024

Typing this with an arm covered in a work-in-progress Inkheart trilogy tattoo sleeve. I have Gwin, the fairies off the cover of Inkspell, and the death moth of Inkdeath. I saw the cover of book 4 for the first time today, and am scheduling for the book, vine, and feathers to be the combining piece. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for this world. I can't begin to tell you how deeply it shaped me.

Oh, Darrow, we'd love to see your tattoo, so if you'd like us to show it inour fan gallery, please send us a photo to:

Ms. C, 17 September 2024

Dear Cornelia Funke, as a child I read and loved your books. One of which was Inkheart. It was my absolute favorite, along with the others in the series. I was eight years old at the time when I first read it. Now I am almost 30 and an elementary school reading teacher. Some of my students who are performing above grade level will be doing a novel study. The book I chose for them to read was Inkheart.

Thank you for your beautiful message, Ms C., welcome to Cornelia's guestbook and say Hi to your students for us Insa and Guesty

Kayla, 13 September 2024

My husband and I are desperately awaiting Reckless #5. I have considered learning German, just so I can read it as soon as it's out, without waiting for the English translation.

Mallow, 12 September 2024

I just saw a comment on a yt video about the 4th book and I had to check to make sure because it really got my hopes up. I read the Inkheart series as a teen and was so in love with the world and the characters. I can't wait to read the 4th book when its out!

Kaleb, 6 September 2024

Hi Insa and Guesty, I was curious what sort of mythology group does Cornelia and yourself like the most? I'm guessing Japanese from what we see in Reckless. Mine is the Norse mythology cycle. So much so that one of my pen name's is Grimnir. Hope you are having a good day...

Hi Kaleb, interesting question. As for Cornelia, I guess she would find it difficult to decide, but she really loved the research for Reckless 4 As to me, I must admit I haven't concentrated on the different mythology worlds yet, but I think I would have a soft spot for the Norse myths, as well

Andrew, 23 August 2024

I was very young when I read the Thief Lord. The story has stuck with me my whole life and I read it almost every year. I am now 33. Thank you for giving me a lifetime of joy with a single book!

Welcome to Cornelia's guestbook, Andrew!

Pashynn F., 12 August 2024

Hi again! I was wondering. Will there ever be anymore Inkheart books ? -P (Canada)

The fourth book will be the last, Pashynn. "The Colour of Revenge" is going to be published in October.

Iris Owen, 12 August 2024

Hi! I'm currently doing a re-read of "Reckless" and was wondering what age Will is. I know Jacob's is mentioned but I can't seem to find Will's exact. I love, love, love Cornelia's books and am looking forward to "The Colour of Revenge"!

Hi Iris, I think Will's exact age was not mentioned in the books, but I guess he is a couple of years younger than Jacob. All the very best from Germany, Insa (and Guesty)

Dylan Fichter, 9 August 2024

Dear Mrs. Funke, your books are wonderful! You are my favorite author! I loved reading about and getting to know all the characters. Dragon Rider and The Thief Lord are my favorites. I was wondering, The Thief Lord was sooooo good why didn’t you do a sequel? Inkheart was also great. From Dylan Fichter (age 9, USA)

Wait and see, Dylan And welcome to Cornelia's guestbook!

Pashynn F., 9 August 2024

Hi! I’m writing this in English so I hope it translates okay. I LOVE the Inkheart series! I seriously think that if someone did a movie series or a TV show, based off of the Inkheart series, the right way, it could the next LOTR (Lord Of The Rings) ! I have seen the one movie but I don’t think it represented the books at all in any way. They’re amazing and I’d love to see a epilogue to the series come out. Maybe from Dante’s (Maggie’s baby brother) point of view when he gets older? That would be really cool. I also think it would be interesting to read the books in the language they were written in. Something to do. -P.

Welcome to Cornelia's guestbook, Pashynn, I have just published your poem in "Your Stories"

danastalyn, 6 August 2024

Miss Cornelia~ I sent a drawing long time ago, like 10 years ago, to your old page... Since I lost the original, I was hoping I could see it again in your page, but it is not there Are there some fanarts that got lost in the updated page?

ALways loved your work greetings from the other side of the mirror

We're afraid, yes, Danastalyn, that happened , but if you describe your drawing, I will search our archive again ...

Jemma, 31 July 2024

I always loved books, but your Inkheart trilogy made me live for books. So many brilliant bookish quotes! Now I work in the industry and it is a joy to introduce young bookworms to your stories This morning I just finished an ARC of The Colour of Revenge and seeing your illustration on that first chapter header felt like coming home. That your daughter has done the English translation had me almost in tears — how perfect! I have endless questions about the lives of your characters, but really it just stems from the hope that — beyond what gets written down and published — they are happy!

Thank you

Thank you so much for your charming message, Jemma, and welcome to Cornelia's website

Abigail T., 22 July 2024

I am simply sharing my unfiltered JOY at the knowledge of a new book in the Ink World series. This book series has been my absolute favorite since I read Inkheart in 2nd grade. I have my gnarled, devoured copy because as you said, “Some books should be tasted, some devoured but only few should be chewed and digested thouroughly” and I have revisited this world an abundance of times. I cannot tell you how many times I lost myself wanting to be with Meggie and Farid, wandering in Elinors library, and wanting to hang out with Dustfinger. Thank you for sharing their world with us, I cherish them.

Thank YOU, Abigail, for your charming message and welcome to Cornelia's guestbook

Kaleb Southern, 9 July 2024

Hi Insa! I'm currently reading Isaac Asimov's book Pebble in the Sky and I was wondering if you or Cornelia were sci-fi fans? My favorite novels in the genre are C.S. Lewis' Space Trilogy and Ray Bradbury's Illustrated Man. What are yours?

Hi Kaleb, Cornelia IS, I am not really (at least not a great fan). Cornelia especially  likes Philip K. Dick's stories.

Miranda, 27 June 2024

Hi Insa! I used to come onto this website for the weekly chats you hosted! Do you still host those? I miss talking about stories with other book lovers/ writers!

Hi Miranda, I remember you well I'm afraid, due to too few participants we do not offer our chat anymore. Maybe we should think up another concept...

Kate, 9 June 2024

Dear Cornelia, Insa, and Guesty (so cute!), a few years ago I was sick with a bad sore throat & Inkheart was the only book I could focus on. I couldn't look away from the page. The image of Dustfinger eating fire that night at Elinor's house is always stuck in my brain. It's so otherworldly. In book two, I love the descriptions of the glass men & fairy nests. Dustfinger & Elinor are my favorite characters; Dustfinger because he is so mysterious & Elinor because she is grumpy but has a good heart. I want to be an author & you inspire me so much. Your books are like beautiful tapestries that unfurl in my mind. Thank you!

Jennifer Seoul, 22 May 2024

Hey! I loved Inkheart. I have read it 5 times by now. I wanted to ask you how do you read and manage to reply so many comments? Do you work with your team or is it just you?

Hi Jennifer, Cornelia's sister (that's me takes care of her website and fan mail. Warmest wishes from Germany, Insa (and Guesty)

Liv, 16 May 2024

I love the Inkheart series, hope there’s merchandise! If there is can you give me a link? Thanks! From a Funke fan, Liv

Dear Liv, we can only offer you bookplates and postcards. If you are interested, please send an email to

Gabriella, 30 April 2024

Hey! I love Cornelia's books, but just discovered this website, and was super excited, but I was wondering, is there any limit to the length of the stories you send in for the Your Stories?

No, Gabriella, there is no limit Welcome to Cornelia's website

Stephanie Packer, 8 April 2024

Hello, one of my 3rd grade students has written Cornelia a letter and has asked if I can mail it. To what address should I send the letter? Thank you,

Stephanie Packer 3rd grade teacher in America

Dear Stephanie, you can send it to her US fan mail address: Cornelia Funke, 4335 Van Nuys Blvd., #140 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403, USA

Sabrina, 8 April 2024

Hello, I’m curious as to whether ‘The Colour of Revenge’ contains any references to other books written by Cornelia Funke besides the amazing ‘Inkheart Trilogy’, of course. I just want to make sure I understand any references and if I need to read any other book series by her first to understand certain elements in this fourth instalment to the Inkworld.

Cheers, Sabrina

Yes, Sabrina there are references to Cornelia's Reckless book series Welcome to our website, by the way Warmest wishes from Germany! Insa and Guesty

Sierra, 28 March 2024

Hi, I'm a super big fan of your work Ms. Funke. I have read Inkheart over and over again and am excited to have the fourth book (Color of Revenge) being released in English in the United States (I live in Oregon) in October. I can't wait to re-read the series again before the release date. I can't wait to walk with Dustfinger and see him dance with flames and smell the leather as Mo fixes books. Your books still speak to me even after all these years. Thank you for making us another book so I may dive back into the Inkworld.

Welcome to Cornelia's guestbook, Sierra, and thank you soooo much for your beautiful entry

Nila, 14 March 2024

OMGGGGG I’m so exited for the colour of revenge I may just DIE I LOVE your books I’ve only read the inkheart set but I’m definitely going to read more. your books are inspiring I love the creativity and please keep writing books im sure they will be just as amazing. is there any news on the English colour of revenge because I sadly can’t speak German? Best wishes from UK, Nila

Dear Nila, it will probably be published this autumn, but we don't know yet. We'll keep you posted on Cornelia's website

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