Nina Maria Drangmeister Illustrator and designer from Rhineland Palatinate, Germany

Nina from Rhineland Palatinate in Germany, decided to get a degree in communications design at the Hochschule Trier. With two wonderful children in tow, she completed her BA with honors in 2023 and is now working on her MA. Her focus is on illustration, book design and typography. Her outstanding achievement earned her a sponsorship from theTroisdorfer Picture Book Prize in 2023, for her reinterpretation of Rainer Maria Rilke’s The Panther.
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Nina's bachelor's thesis "Mutausbruch" ("outburst of courage")
What brought you to the arts?
Since childhood I have had a deep love for creating with my hands. At school, Art Class was my absolute favorite next to the sciences. So much so that I even took on the art projects of some of my fellow students until I was found out :) Writing and drawing comics allowed me to live my passion for storytelling. But when my German teacher told me I had too vivid an imagination, I decided to do something ‘safe’ for my career, because my family also agreed that you couldn’t make a living with art or a creative job. After years of working in healthcare, including in managerial positions, I noticed that something was missing. So, I decided to follow my true passion. My Bachelor Project, an autobiographical Graphic Novel entitled "Fit of Bravery" was a sort of manifestation of my professional odyssey, captured in expressive illustrations, that will hopefully embolden others to follow their hearts as well.
How did you come to take part in Cornelia’s Artists in Residence Program?
My reinterpretation of "The Panther" by Rilke was exhibited at a student show at the Picture Book Museum Troisdorf on the subject ‘classics retold’. After Cornelia learned of the work of the students in Trier, she offered to give five of them a spot on her residency program. The school then made the selection of students as it had to be done quickly. I consider myself very lucky to have been given the opportunity to join the program, given the enormous talent of the illustrators in Trier.

Nina und Cornelia's dog Jake at Fraggina
How did you like your time at Fraggina? Did you find inspiration?
My time spent at Fraggina was really inspiring. I had the opportunity to use a studio with a wide variety of art supplies. I could either work together with others or withdraw to a quiet spot on my own or find inspiration in the library. The beauty of the landscape and surrounding nature, especially the impressive sunsets, were almost surreal and created an atmosphere of ease around artistic creation. Time almost became meaningless. Cornelia’s hospitality and the harmony between the other guests were just magical.

What did you take back with you?
A heart full of gratitude, motivation and connections with special people. Cornelia encouraged me to continue on my path with confidence and to trust in my abilities. She emphasized that the stories already exist within me and are just waiting to take shape on paper. I am deeply impressed with Cornelia, who is such a strong and grounded woman. She has created such a special place for the ‘Fragginistas’ while also being involved with many other projects.