Pippa Ebel Writer and strategist based in China

Pippa is an avid writer and China watcher, based in Beijing. She works for a market intelligence group whilst completing her Masters in China Studies at Peking University. She hosts a weekly writing workshop group, and performs at poetry nights in the city. She is currently working on a children's book inspired by Chinese mythology.
We had this interview with Pippa in 2022.
Illustration for the mythology collection
What brought you to your art?
I first heard Greek Myths as a child when my father used to read them to me as I lay curled up in bed. My literary tastes have evolved a bit since then (!) but mythology has continued to influence me and my creative works. After returning from China as a result of the pandemic, I began thinking about how best to stay connected to this beautiful culture that I had developed a powerful connection with. Exploring Chinese mythology turned out to be a remarkable way of deepening my understanding of this layered and ancient culture. Chinese mythology became a playground for experimenting with different forms of translation, poetry, and art.

A poem that Pippa wrote at Volterra
How did you get the opportunity to participate in Cornelia's 'Artists in Residence Program'?
I was lucky to be chosen as one of the winners of the Salisbury writing competition. I had never had the opportunity to focus exclusively on my writing and I felt extremely lucky to enjoy such a rare experience.

"Er-Shu": Illustration for the mythology collection
How did you like your time at Fraggina? Did you find inspiration there?
It is a remarkably special place — the people, the food, the hills, the air and the sound of the birds — all create a wonderfully calming atmosphere, one which is quietly but deeply inspiring. I was surprised that the sounds and smells of the place drew out a series of poems about my childhood, unlocking precious and previously unexplored memories. It was an excellent space to work on my poetry collection and Cornelia's input was invaluable. It was a very special time for both reflection and creative writing.

What did you take home from there?
I learnt a lot being in the company of brilliant artists, and of course Cornelia, from whom I learnt about the challenges and opportunities that can come from being a writer. The generosity with which she shares her time, knowledge and experience was remarkable. I hopefully now carry some of that understanding with me, and am more realistic as well as motivated as a result. I came back to the UK with an edited collection of poems which I have since shared, but more importantly, I returned imbued with new energy to experiment stylistically and explore London’s spoken word scene. I have begun to perform my work on the stage which has been both incredibly fun and encouraging. I look forward to seeing where the next steps take me!