A boy sang a song

Written by Diana

A boy sang a song with the soul; not the tongue
Again and again
With a fiery pain 
A young boy, A young boy, A young … 
“ Yeah, I know that I’m poor, me and my father 
Me and my mother 
 Me and my friends.…” The song was over 
As a dull crying blandished the boy 
The fire beautifully spread the joy 
A kitty from that pole of the city 
Related to the owner of factories 
Probably is more human than us 
The young boy! Please 
listen to me, oh my dear!
Kno(w) that you shouldn’t, you mustn’t …. 
The kitty? oh no! |
 The kitty’ s never like a boy; but a bit … 
But a bit , a bit ...; But you shouldn’ t cry 
Oh no! You’ re a good boy; stop 
The boy gave it up and became a grief
 What a pity I was watching the grief 
Oh conscience! Remember the song if you can 
Then spread it out 
To become a spring; to forgive the world 
To give a better life to each look; To watch 
The rights of the eyes 
The rights of the hearts 
That are actually 
The source of the arts 
To watch and to touch and to refresh the sense 
To help the feeling of having lovely thoughts 
That is the power 
To live together
To like each other 
To like and to like and to like each other 
To love each other 
Then it’ s not too cold 
Then it’ s not too hot, not too cold 
The life be better than the gold 
To become spring; to forgive the world. 

This story has received 3 comments

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Arya – 14 April 2021

This was amazing.

Emily – 13 January 2021

Wow, the character seems so relatable.

The Curious Bookworm – 11 January 2021

That is a wonderful poem! It is a wonderful poem where you just want to read it over and over again! Keep on writing!