... that is what we call our little, chubby guestbook and you can call it that, too. It is here for your questions and comments.
Post an entryDear Cornelia, I own the first two Dragonrider books and the Inkheart series. I'm going to college soon for English/writing, hoping to become an author one day. You and the Dragonrider series inspired me to follow my dreams of writing. Forever A DragonRider. You're also my favorite author.
Thank you so much for your entry here in Cornelia's guestbook, Kristyn, and warmest wishes from Germany Insa and Guesty
Hi Cornelia! I am new to your website, but not at all new to the wonderful stuff you write! I LOVE your Dragon Rider series. I first read it when I was 8. I am 12 now and I have re-read it 3 times since. I wanted to ask how do you plan your book series? And what is your favorite movie and book of all time? And (being a young writer myself) would you give me some writing advice? Thanks P.S: Your website is GREAT, by the way!
Hello Aadya, welcome to Cornelia's website As to your questions, Cornelia's ideas for her stories come from the inside and from the outside. She collects ideas about things she is really passionate about, characters she wants to talk about and that readers would want to read about. Then she collects ideas for places in the book, looks at photos and books about different places for inspiration. Then she starts collecting little things about the story and background... until she has a chest full of ideas. Next she starts writing the plot of the story, based on these ideas. Besides, when Cornelia starts writing a story (even if she has finished a book), she does not know yet, if it will turn into a series. Cornelia's favourite book is "The Once and Future King" by TH White.
Hi Cornelia! I am a long time fan of yours, and I love your books. I remember reading Inkheart when I was 9, and being completely entranced by the world-building and the characters. I devoured it in a week, much like Meggie would have! Also, your website is fantastic! Looking forward to reading more of your books!
Dear Rishita, welcome — and thank you so much for your lovely message here on Cornelia's website
Growing up, Igraine the brave was my favorite book. Now that I have brain damage, I cant read a lot anymore, and my brain capacity isnt what it used to be. I return to Igraine for comfort, to enjoy the feeling of reading again, and how vast her world feels. It is so real and authentic to me. I would love if one day you released any more information or content about Igraine and her family.
Thank you! Kasper/26/ohio
Dear Kasper, thank you so much for your touching message If you'd like a handsigned postcard, please send us your home address to:
Hi miss Cornelia!! Igraine the Brave is one of my favorite books. I had my papa read it to me over and over and still read it lots by myself now. Igraine's story makes me feel safe. She was a very good example for me about how she CAN be a knight, despite being a girl :0. It makes me very happy to read over and over. Have you ever thought of writing more to her story? It would make me sooo happy! Bunny
Dear Bunny, thanks for your beautiful message. We're afraid there are no plans for a sequel, but maybe you will find another "favourite" story in our book list. Warmest wishes from Germany, Insa (and Guesty)
Hello! I wanted to start by saying what a huge fan I was of your work when I was younger, and now as a full time librarian I get to continue sharing your magic with even more children beyond myself. I did have one question related to a fanmail I believe I wrote to Cornelia when I was younger-- Did you use a translator for correspondence to English fanmail? I cannot find the letter I recieved back anywhere to confirm it was from Cornelia Funke, but I vividly remember the line at the top of the letter disclosing that it was a translated response. I know it's an odd question, but after all these years it's been bothering me.
Dear Candace, I am Cornelia's sister and I have been taking care of her fan mail for more than 20 years now. If your letter was sent from UK, I replied in English, if it was sent from the US, Cornelia's assistant Angie took care of it. Hope that helps? Warmest wishes from Germany, Insa
i love you, cornelia. i'm a little past halfway thru your new inkheart book (dustfinger is greying in orpheus's new house). i got my local library to buy some (yea! i'm sure your other loving readers will be so happy.). the way the book is written i'm thinking you've set things up so u can write more of the story, which is a blessing. will u?
Hi Chris, there are four Inkheart books
Hi Cornelia! Our class is starting your book, "Inkheart." We are currently inspecting the cover, and just by looking at it, we know it's gonna be good!
Welcome to Cornelia's website, Sean, and have an exciting journey through the Inkworld!
Hi again, Cornelia and Insa! I remember that you've said before that Cornelia loves The Once and Future King. I'm reading it right now and loving it, and I was wondering if she had a favorite character or part of the book? I find Lancelot to be a really interesting character.
Cornelia likes him very much, too
Hi Cornelia! I just wanted to drop in and say how influential your books have been in my life. I learned I loved to read when I first checked out Inkspell (I didn't know about the first book until two chapters in). I kept reading it because of how beautiful the Inkworld was described. I promptly got the first right after and eagerly awaited the third for a couple years. I was 12 then, and now I'm 29 and working at a library. I have yet to find another author that quite compares to your narrative style, and storytelling. Thank you SO MUCH for being the writer that you are and for giving me my childhood.
Thank YOU, Samantha, for this beauuuutiful message in Cornelia's guestbook All the very best from Germany, Insa and Guesty
Hi again! I just started reading the Inkworld trilogy, and I'm almost to the end of Inkdeath. Wow, I thought Dustfinger was awesome to begin with, but he is even more awesome since he came back from the dead! And Cheeseface is my absolute least favorite character ever! I liked Capricorn, he was cool, evil but still cooler than Moonface over there! I love these books too now! I think they'll hold me till Reckless 5.
~ Liora, a huge fan!
Welcome to Cornelia's website, Liora, and thank you so much for your charming message.
Hi all! I am loving the Reckless series so much! I was just wondering, do I need to read Glass of Lead and Gold prior to reading The Silver Tracks or is it more of a, like, novella type deal where it’s not a main plot book but more of a side story? Let me know what you think!
It is, Amanda, you don't have to read "The Glass of Lead and Gold" to understand the Reckless books. Warmest wishes from Germany! Insa and Guesty
Hi! I have enjoyed the Dragonrider series so much...They are my most favourite books! I read them in the Dutch translation. I went to the bookshop a lot of times to ask if there was a third part. They said it was not written and also that it never would be written! So sad...So I was very surprised to discover that it was written and also that it already was done in 2021! English is not good enough...(my mother helps me with this note). So my big question is: When will the third book be translated in Dutch? It is already 2024...Does that mean that it will never happen? Kinds regards, Gabriël.
Dear Gabriël, we're working on it and hope to have this book out in Dutch very soon
I am over 30 now, but Dragon Rider, Thief Lord and the Inkheart Trilogy were some of my favourite books growing up. I started a book challenge this year that included, "Read a Book From a Author You Loved in Your Childhood". You do not understand my joy when I discovered you had recently made additions to some of those worlds! I am going to read 'The Colour Revenge' for my challenge, and hopefully save the Dragon Rider trilogy to read to my children when they grow up. Do you have any plans to do book tours in Canada? Would love to meet and get a book signed!
Dear Ryan, thank you so much for your charming entry and welcome to Cornelia's guestbook. If there will be any book tours, we will keep you posted in our news. Warmest wishes from Germany, Insa and Guesty
I am a teen and I absolutely love love love the Reckless series and also Ghost Knight! Your books have even inspired several of my own story ideas. I can't wait for Reckless book 5 to come out too! Is there any sort of set date for when it is supposed to come out?
No, not yet, Liora. We'll keep you posted
Hey Cornelia, I have just loved your book dragon rider for I am a huge fan of dragons and I loved your book soo much that I wish there was another one so I humbly request you please write a book two for dragon rider because we all want to know what hap[pens next. Thank you soo much.
I just read the Reckless series. Loved it! Will there be another book or is it over?
There will be a Book 5, yes, but Cornelia has not started working on it. We'll keep you posted on her website
Hello, my name is Oliver Yu, I am 12 years old and I absolutely love your Books, I have the entire set excluding the new one as a signed and hardback copy and I would be so happy if you could tell me where I could get a signed, hardback copy. Thanks, Oliver Yu (this is my foster carer's email address.)
Dear Oliver, just send an email to and we can send you a handsigned bookplate. I hope you understand that we can't offer signed books.
Hi, Cornelia Funke. I’m a student of Hough Street School. I’m in a reading unit where we learn things about authors, and my partner and I chose you. I have a few questions for you that I wasn’t able to find in my research.
I was wondering which elementary, middle, and high school you went to?
When you were in school, did you have any favorite memories?
Did you have any pets when you were growing up and/or now?
Do you have any siblings other than Insa?
If so, how many and what are their names?
What was your favorite childhood book to read when you were growing up?
What’s your favorite book to read now?
Hi Catherine, Cornelia went to the St Ursula Gymnasium(secondary school) in her German hometown Dorsten. Her favourite memories? I guess of her involvement with Amnesty International back then. Our family kept budgies. And we have a brother called Elmar. Cornelia's favourite book was (and still is) "The Once and Future King" by T.H.White.
All the very best from Germany! Insa and Guesty
Hi Cornelia! I’m a student at Hough Street School in Barrington, Illinois. Right now, we are doing a project on authors, and I chose you to study! I have a few questions for you that I wasn’t able to find in my research. Did you go to college? If so, where, and what did you study? What degrees do you have What is your favorite book that you’ve written so far? Thanks!
Hi Seyla, Cornelia studied pedagogy at the University of Hamburg. After finishing her studies, she worked for three years as a social worker and all the wild children she met taught her what kinds of books she should write: books for those who like Cornelia loved to read, but also for those, who usually don’t. When she was a social worker she constantly drew and painted with the children she worked with or told them stories – which taught her that we probably can’t ignore the talents we were born with. So Cornelia studied book illustration additionally and one day, when she once again didn’t like a story she had to illustrate for a publisher she decided to write her own stories. As to your last question, she cannot answer that question, as that would be like wondering which of her children is her favourite. If you'd like to know which one she is most passionate about — that's always the one she is working on. Warmest wishes from Germany, Insa and Guesty
I believe I have listened to all your audiobooks. I am more active than author, but at 73 that may change.
Welcome to Cornelia's guestbook, Lenny
I love the book Inkheart so much! Thank you to Cornelia Funke for writing it! The book was such an inspiration!
Hi Insa! I hope you are well. I haven’t posted in the guestbook in such a long time! When I was in middle school, I was absolutely obsessed with Inkheart! I once posted in the guestbook about some criticism that a teacher given me and you posted a reply from Cornelia! Her encouraging words meant the world to me and have stayed with me all these years. (I am in my 30’s now!) I wanted to write-in to say that I am very much looking forward to the up-coming release of The Color of Revenge. Wishing you and Cornelia the very best.
Always a fan, Sarah
Hi Sarah, thank you sooooo much for your kind message and welcome back to Cornelia's guestbook
Hi Insa! Well, I can't describe how impatient I am for "The Colour Of Revenge". I read Inkheart when I was 12 and now after all this time, this new book is the best gift that I can imagine for my 18th birthday; my old Dreamland is still alive!
Hi Insa. I sent in a poem a bit ago and I’m not sure if it’s just because of where I am (Alberta,Canada) but I haven’t noticed any changes in the guestbook, the story’s, the studio or elsewhere, for quite a while. Is everything okay?
Hi Pashynn, I'm terribly sorry for the delay. Your poem is now part of our stories section
Hi, Insa and Guesty. I enjoy all your books. I was wondering if the
Dragon Rider; The Aurelia Curse is going to come out in English audiobook form? Thank you
Yes, Emily, probably around the beginning of 2025
Hello Cornelia and co! I am new to the website, but not new to your wonderful fiction (I think I've managed to read most of it by now, actually). Inkheart is the book I regard as having sparked my own love of fiction, and for that I will be forever grateful to your wonderful imagination and writing. I was just curious if there was any news about a possible 5th Reckless/Mirrorworld book coming soon-ish? I recently reread the whole series and am eagerly await the conclusion. I hope the writing goes well, whatever project comes next, and I cannot wait to read the newest Inkworld book in later this year! Sincerely, Ryan
Dear Ryan, not "soon-ish", but there will be a last book, yes. Cornelia does not know yet when she will start working on it. Currently there are other stories, that demand her attention
Typing this with an arm covered in a work-in-progress Inkheart trilogy tattoo sleeve. I have Gwin, the fairies off the cover of Inkspell, and the death moth of Inkdeath. I saw the cover of book 4 for the first time today, and am scheduling for the book, vine, and feathers to be the combining piece. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for this world. I can't begin to tell you how deeply it shaped me.
Oh, Darrow, we'd love to see your tattoo, so if you'd like us to show it inour fan gallery, please send us a photo to:
Dear Cornelia Funke, as a child I read and loved your books. One of which was Inkheart. It was my absolute favorite, along with the others in the series. I was eight years old at the time when I first read it. Now I am almost 30 and an elementary school reading teacher. Some of my students who are performing above grade level will be doing a novel study. The book I chose for them to read was Inkheart.
Thank you for your beautiful message, Ms C., welcome to Cornelia's guestbook and say Hi to your students for us Insa and Guesty
My husband and I are desperately awaiting Reckless #5. I have considered learning German, just so I can read it as soon as it's out, without waiting for the English translation.
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You are invited to write us – about you, about Cornelia, about reading her books, about fire-eaters, dragons or thieves ... Remarks and criticism regarding Cornelia's website are very welcome.
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