Ghosthunters and the Muddy Monster of Doom
To earn his Ghosthunting Diploma, Tom visits a scary village. A demon and his messengers threaten Tom’s life.
Intrepid ghosthunter-in-training Tom has battled Incredibly Revolting Ghosts, Gruesome Invincible Lightning Ghosts, and a Totally Moldy Baroness. But it ends up nothing--NOTHING--is more frightening than...final exams. To earn his Ghosthunting Diploma, Tom's got to nab a Deadly Messenger: the hardest ghost of all to catch. And while on the hunt, he stumbles into the yucky, mucked-up lair of a mud-dripping minotaur demon who's assembled a ghoul army with the goal of world domination. Suddenly there's a whole lot more at stake than Tom's graduation: This is one test the team can't fail!
- First published 2007
- Reading age Age 8
- Illustrated by Cornelia Funke
- Publisher Scholastic Inc.
- Also available as Audio Book
Later on, Tom would tell himself that his suspicions should have been aroused when he entered the huge, dimly lit office of Professor Slimeblott. Tom normally had a good nose for imminent danger. But on this occasion it failed him miserably.
"Sit down, Tom," said the professor, taking a swig from his coffee mug. Professor Slimeblott had only been on the GhostHunting ASsociation's Examining Board for a month, and Tom had never met him before. "You're the boy who works with Hetty Hyssop, aren't you?" he asked.Tom nodded. The professor's eyes were strangely light, almost colourless, like everything else about him. Even his skin was as pale as faded paper, and his sparse hair, combed sideways across his bald head, was the same colour as dried-out mud.
This guy reminds me of a PAWOG, thought Tom. Exactly the same cold and self-satisfied look. PAWOGs (PAle WObbly Ghosts) are best fought off with laughing gas, and Tom had to suppress a grin as he thought of it. Slimeblott inspected him with his colourless eyes.
Other books in the »Ghosthunters« series