A Goodbye
Geschrieben von Minna
Memories of brighter times
come back with birdies songs
and everything seems to be right
right there where it belongs
only one thing seems out of place
far away from home
that one thing seems to be my heart
empty archways in a dome
memories of happy songs
come back with flowers bloom
although my heart seems very cold
a giant empty room
memories of loving words
come back with snow's goodbye
but they are gone and they are said
leave me alone to cry
memories of you, my love
live always in my head
of you dancing under silver stars
of all the things you said
freckles like stars and eyes like gems
and a heart of gold
for no price ever, none on earth
could your soul someday be sold
memories of our adventures
swords and fights and beasts
come back to me as water does
from rivers to the seas
memories of epic battles
with blood and death and loss
memories of old headstones
covered in evergrowing moss
memories of ancient friends
and memories of my foes
are slipping slowly from my mind
though I try to hold them close
memories of you they clear
the heavy rising mist
I remember it as if it was yesterday
the first time that we kissed
But memories of everything
seem to fade away
I can’t seem to hold on to them
while body and mind decay
so I wither away my lonely death
in bittersweet remembrance
of only you, my brightest star
the image of how you dance
I sing my goodbye from where I lay,
On rose petals and grass,
and now’s the time, where you would say,
“All the things shall pass.”
Weitere Geschichten von Minna
Zu dieser Geschichte gibt es 6 Kommentare
Einen Kommentar hinterlassenWow!!
echt toll
Cool thing (Coole sache)
Super Gedicht!
Ich habe zwar kein Wort verstanden, (ich bin grottenschlecht in Englisch) aber ich schätze mal es hört sich genau so gut an wie deine anderen Gedichte und Geschichten.
Seitdem ich deine Gedichte gelesen hab, lasse ich alle Geschichten, die hier zu finden sind, links liegen. Ich bin einfach begeistert! Meiner Meinung nach ist von den Gedichten, die ich von dir gelesen hab, das hier am besten! Aber die anderen sind auch sooo unglaublich toll! Du musst mir unbedingt von diesem Trank abgeben, der deine Gedichte so super macht
Liebe Grüße, Camilla
Einfach toll!